Infinite PatienceSurviving in times of change and uncertainty, living a roller coaster.Jan 26, 2024Jan 26, 2024
Dolarización en CriolloUna guía simple y objetiva para entender como un cambio de moneda nacional por el dólar puede pegar en el bolsilloAug 20, 2023Aug 20, 2023
The Art of Beginning from an Empty Canvas— #1Some reflections and tips on how to overcome a blank page when pursuing a new project.Jun 24, 2023Jun 24, 2023
Moving Forward Through the Noise: Staying Focused in a Busy WorldMy approach on how to deal with the overwhelming amount of information and distractions that exist in today’s busy worldMay 3, 2023May 3, 2023
Digital Mind Control: The Potential Risks of Algorithmic InfluenceUnderstanding the ways in which TikTok can influence our thoughts and behaviors so we can avoid it. From the echo chamber effect to the…Apr 11, 2023Apr 11, 2023
The Next Frontier: The Convergence of Virtual Reality and the Physical WorldAre we destined to live with a screen stuck to our heads, interacting with 3D avatars for the rest of our life or is there something else…Apr 5, 2023Apr 5, 2023
Thinking of Ways to Avoid Getting Replaced by AI in the Near FutureInsights about the future of work and the place for humanity after being shocked for a few weeks by all the craziness surrounding AI…Mar 29, 2023Mar 29, 2023
Beginners Guide to Trade Show SuccessValuable insights gained at MWC for first-time trade show attendees (or anyone curious about the subject.)Mar 21, 2023Mar 21, 2023
The collapse of Silicon Valley: What you need to know about the SVB crashGoing through the details that lead to the second biggest bank failure in the history of the US.Mar 13, 20231Mar 13, 20231
Accomplishing the modern dream: Working remotely from MWC 2023Insights on achieving the dream of traveling for business and turning the page to my next big challengeMar 9, 2023Mar 9, 2023